
I'm an attorney, specifically a civil rights/employee rights attorney -- I sue corporations that mistreat their employees. I've been practicing for over 20 years, and in all that time I have never seen the rights of employees under greater attack than they are now. Thus, this blog, which I hope to gear towards both lawyers and non-lawyers alike. If I'm lucky, I can educate and enlighten those who stop by.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

The Disgrace that Is Wisconsin

After weeks of insisting that the bill couldn't be amended, after weeks of insisting that this was a budget repair bill, Rethuglican (and he's earned the epithet) Governor Scott Walker and his minions in the Wisconsin state senate have enacted part of their corporate puppet-masters' agenda.  They have passed a bill effectively killing public unions in the state of Wisconsin.

Did they do this by negotiating with the opposition?  No.  Did they do this by following normal legislative procedures?  No.  Instead, they stripped out all of the budgetary elements from the bill, winged it through committee, and then passed it fourteen minutes later.  Let's say that again.  After insisting that this was a budget repair bill, the Republicans in the Wisconsin state senate stripped out all of the fiscal elements.  They then rushed it through committee, and passed it after fourteen whole minutes of debate.  This whole appalling process stinks to high heaven.  And it shows what Democrats and union officials have been saying all along -- that this is nothing more than a naked union-busting effort.  To quote the progressive Cap Times, "Shame, Shame, Shame!"

Please, please, please, take the time to donate to the Wisconsin Democratic Party's campaign to recall Republican State Senators.

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