
I'm an attorney, specifically a civil rights/employee rights attorney -- I sue corporations that mistreat their employees. I've been practicing for over 20 years, and in all that time I have never seen the rights of employees under greater attack than they are now. Thus, this blog, which I hope to gear towards both lawyers and non-lawyers alike. If I'm lucky, I can educate and enlighten those who stop by.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Wisconsin vs. Connecticut

The Washington Post is reporting that several Republican State Senators in Wisconsin are now considering voting against Governor Scott Walker's heinous union-busting bill.  If true, this is great news!  Organized labor could use a high-profile victory like this.  Indeed, it seems to me that Walker's overreaching may wind up being the best thing to happen to America's labor movement in years.

Let's contrast this with my home state of Connecticut, where Governor Dannel Malloy is trying to close an enormous hole in the budget.  Like Walker, Malloy has asked public employees for major givebacks.  Unlike Walker, however, Malloy is sitting down with the unions, in talks described as "respectful."  And it appears that Malloy, unlike Walker, will succeed in obtaining concessions from the unions without turning the state capitol into an armed camp.

The fortunes of America's labor movement directly correlate with the fortunes of America's middle class.  The golden age of union membership, from the mid-1940's through the mid 1970's, corresponds with the rise of the middle class.  But since the beginning of the assault on unions during the Reagan administration, America's middle class has been squeezed.  Let's hope that we're starting to see the re-birth of the union movement, and that Dannel Malloy's approach wins out over Scott Walker's.

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