
I'm an attorney, specifically a civil rights/employee rights attorney -- I sue corporations that mistreat their employees. I've been practicing for over 20 years, and in all that time I have never seen the rights of employees under greater attack than they are now. Thus, this blog, which I hope to gear towards both lawyers and non-lawyers alike. If I'm lucky, I can educate and enlighten those who stop by.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Workplace Safety Rules Are Now Illegal In Michigan

Yes, you read that correctly.  Michigan's Corporatist governor, Rick Snyder, signed a bill that outlaws workplace ergonomics regulations.  Ergonomic rules are designed to prevent injuries caused by lifting, bending, repetitive motions, etc.

How stupid is this?  In the interests of "competitiveness," the State of Michigan has decided not only that it is ok for workers to be injured on the job, but that attempts to lessen the likelihood of injury are illegal!  And will this really make Michigan more "competitive?"  Have they factored in the hidden costs, in things like lost time and productivity and increased workers' comp payments?  This is just another example of Republicans placing corporate interests above those of human beings.

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